Stocks For Dividend Harvesting

The following is a list of stocks that look to be good candidates for dividend harvesting and which have ex-dividend dates in the next two weeks. Dividend harvesting (also known as dividend capture) is a strategy in which investors buy a stock shortly before its ex-dividend date so that they can receive the dividend, with hopes that they can then sell the stock for more than the buy price minus the dividend amount. Often a stock's price will fall by the amount of the dividend on the ex-dividend date, so stocks whose share price tends to stay stable even when going ex-dividend have the best potential for successful dividend harvesting.

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Dillard's logo


  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.25 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $375.00 current price
  • 0.28% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of reduce

How has Dillard's recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$25.00$25.89$38.43The two weeks surrounding DDS's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
12/31/2024$25.00$25.89$38.43The two weeks surrounding DDS's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
12/31/2024$25.00$25.89$38.43The two weeks surrounding DDS's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
12/31/2024$25.00$25.89$38.43The two weeks surrounding DDS's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
12/31/2024$25.00$25.89$38.43The two weeks surrounding DDS's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
12/31/2024$0.25$1.14$13.68The two weeks surrounding DDS's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
12/13/2024$25.00$4.00$4.00The two weeks surrounding DDS's 12/13/2024 ex-dividend
Northern Oil and Gas logo

Northern Oil and Gas

  • 3/28/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.45 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $30.93 current price
  • 5.61% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of moderate buy

How has Northern Oil and Gas recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/30/2024$0.42$1.33$1.75The two weeks surrounding NOG's 12/30/2024 ex-dividend
9/27/2024$0.42$1.21$1.21The two weeks surrounding NOG's 9/27/2024 ex-dividend
6/27/2024$0.40$0.85$0.85The two weeks surrounding NOG's 6/27/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.40$0.60$1.36The two weeks surrounding NOG's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/27/2023$0.40$0.34$0.34The two weeks surrounding NOG's 12/27/2023 ex-dividend
9/27/2023$0.38$2.04$2.04The two weeks surrounding NOG's 9/27/2023 ex-dividend
6/28/2023$0.37$1.04$2.18The two weeks surrounding NOG's 6/28/2023 ex-dividend
Peakstone Realty Trust logo

Peakstone Realty Trust

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.23 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $13.25 current price
  • 7.16% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of buy

How has Peakstone Realty Trust recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.23$0.50$0.66The two weeks surrounding PKST's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.23$0.31$0.31The two weeks surrounding PKST's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.23$0.43$0.43The two weeks surrounding PKST's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.23$0.97$1.56The two weeks surrounding PKST's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.23$0.83$0.83The two weeks surrounding PKST's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.23$0.17$0.17The two weeks surrounding PKST's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.23$1.49$1.49The two weeks surrounding PKST's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
First Guaranty Bancshares logo

First Guaranty Bancshares

  • 3/27/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.01 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $7.90 current price
  • 0.47% dividend yield

How has First Guaranty Bancshares recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/27/2024$0.01$0.06$0.06The two weeks surrounding FGBI's 12/27/2024 ex-dividend
9/20/2024$0.08$0.47$0.47The two weeks surrounding FGBI's 9/20/2024 ex-dividend
6/25/2024$0.16$0.08$0.37The two weeks surrounding FGBI's 6/25/2024 ex-dividend
3/21/2024$0.16$0.76$0.76The two weeks surrounding FGBI's 3/21/2024 ex-dividend
12/21/2023$0.16$0.32$0.32The two weeks surrounding FGBI's 12/21/2023 ex-dividend
9/21/2023$0.16$0.35$0.35The two weeks surrounding FGBI's 9/21/2023 ex-dividend
6/22/2023$0.16$0.58$0.58The two weeks surrounding FGBI's 6/22/2023 ex-dividend
SL Green Realty logo

SL Green Realty

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.26 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $59.49 current price
  • 5.30% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has SL Green Realty recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
2/28/2025$0.26$0.59$0.59The two weeks surrounding SLG's 2/28/2025 ex-dividend
1/31/2025$0.26$1.42$1.42The two weeks surrounding SLG's 1/31/2025 ex-dividend
12/31/2024$0.26$2.28$3.34The two weeks surrounding SLG's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
11/29/2024$0.25$0.91$0.91The two weeks surrounding SLG's 11/29/2024 ex-dividend
10/31/2024$0.25$0.05$0.05The two weeks surrounding SLG's 10/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.25$1.38$1.38The two weeks surrounding SLG's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
8/30/2024$0.25$1.16$1.16The two weeks surrounding SLG's 8/30/2024 ex-dividend
Douglas Emmett logo

Douglas Emmett

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.19 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $16.65 current price
  • 4.68% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has Douglas Emmett recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.19$0.37$0.64The two weeks surrounding DEI's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.19$0.35$0.39The two weeks surrounding DEI's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.19$0.22$0.26The two weeks surrounding DEI's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.19$0.72$1.10The two weeks surrounding DEI's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.19$0.28$0.28The two weeks surrounding DEI's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.19$0.28$0.28The two weeks surrounding DEI's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.19$0.48$0.68The two weeks surrounding DEI's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
DICK'S Sporting Goods logo

DICK'S Sporting Goods

  • 3/28/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $1.21 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $206.06 current price
  • 2.30% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of moderate buy

How has DICK'S Sporting Goods recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/13/2024$1.10$5.79$5.79The two weeks surrounding DKS's 12/13/2024 ex-dividend
9/20/2024$1.10$0.32$0.32The two weeks surrounding DKS's 9/20/2024 ex-dividend
6/14/2024$1.10($1.32)($1.28)The two weeks surrounding DKS's 6/14/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$1.10$6.03$7.52The two weeks surrounding DKS's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/14/2023$1.00$5.53$5.76The two weeks surrounding DKS's 12/14/2023 ex-dividend
9/14/2023$1.00$4.71$4.71The two weeks surrounding DKS's 9/14/2023 ex-dividend
6/15/2023$1.00$1.23$1.48The two weeks surrounding DKS's 6/15/2023 ex-dividend
Boston Properties logo

Boston Properties

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.98 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $69.48 current price
  • 5.73% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has Boston Properties recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.98$1.92$1.93The two weeks surrounding BXP's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.98$1.02$1.02The two weeks surrounding BXP's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.98$1.36$1.37The two weeks surrounding BXP's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.98$3.17$5.43The two weeks surrounding BXP's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.98$1.21$1.21The two weeks surrounding BXP's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.98$2.19$2.54The two weeks surrounding BXP's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.98$1.39$2.66The two weeks surrounding BXP's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
Morningstar logo


  • 4/4/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.46 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $303.63 current price
  • 0.61% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of moderate buy

How has Morningstar recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
10/4/2024$0.41$3.36$3.36The two weeks surrounding MORN's 10/4/2024 ex-dividend
7/12/2024$0.41$7.85$7.85The two weeks surrounding MORN's 7/12/2024 ex-dividend
4/4/2024$0.41$5.54$8.74The two weeks surrounding MORN's 4/4/2024 ex-dividend
1/4/2024$0.41$3.01$3.01The two weeks surrounding MORN's 1/4/2024 ex-dividend
10/5/2023$0.38$1.66$4.11The two weeks surrounding MORN's 10/5/2023 ex-dividend
7/6/2023$0.38$1.29$5.49The two weeks surrounding MORN's 7/6/2023 ex-dividend
Commercial Metals logo

Commercial Metals

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.18 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $48.89 current price
  • 1.52% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has Commercial Metals recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
1/16/2025$0.18$0.02$0.15The two weeks surrounding CMC's 1/16/2025 ex-dividend
10/31/2024$0.18$0.87$0.87The two weeks surrounding CMC's 10/31/2024 ex-dividend
7/1/2024$0.18$0.12$0.12The two weeks surrounding CMC's 7/1/2024 ex-dividend
3/28/2024$0.18$0.87$0.88The two weeks surrounding CMC's 3/28/2024 ex-dividend
1/17/2024$0.16$0.71$1.02The two weeks surrounding CMC's 1/17/2024 ex-dividend
10/25/2023$0.16$1.47$2.41The two weeks surrounding CMC's 10/25/2023 ex-dividend
6/30/2023$0.16$0.67$0.67The two weeks surrounding CMC's 6/30/2023 ex-dividend
B&G Foods logo

B&G Foods

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.19 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $6.82 current price
  • 10.54% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of reduce

How has B&G Foods recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.19$0.19$0.45The two weeks surrounding BGS's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.19$0.00$0.00The two weeks surrounding BGS's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.19$0.13$0.13The two weeks surrounding BGS's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.19$0.35$0.68The two weeks surrounding BGS's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.19$0.09$0.09The two weeks surrounding BGS's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.19$0.25$0.44The two weeks surrounding BGS's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.19$0.30$0.42The two weeks surrounding BGS's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
Runway Growth Finance logo

Runway Growth Finance

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.03 dividend per share
  • -- dividend frequency
  • $10.50 current price
  • 14.88% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has Runway Growth Finance recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
11/18/2024$0.40$0.25$0.35The two weeks surrounding RWAY's 11/18/2024 ex-dividend
8/12/2024$0.45$0.15$0.24The two weeks surrounding RWAY's 8/12/2024 ex-dividend
5/9/2024$0.40$0.29$0.29The two weeks surrounding RWAY's 5/9/2024 ex-dividend
2/9/2024$0.47$0.27$0.27The two weeks surrounding RWAY's 2/9/2024 ex-dividend
11/10/2023$0.46$0.37$0.37The two weeks surrounding RWAY's 11/10/2023 ex-dividend
8/14/2023$0.45$0.25$0.25The two weeks surrounding RWAY's 8/14/2023 ex-dividend
5/12/2023$0.45$0.25$0.25The two weeks surrounding RWAY's 5/12/2023 ex-dividend
Kilroy Realty logo

Kilroy Realty

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.54 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $35.03 current price
  • 6.24% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has Kilroy Realty recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.54$0.99$0.99The two weeks surrounding KRC's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.54$0.50$0.50The two weeks surrounding KRC's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.54$0.55$0.55The two weeks surrounding KRC's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.54$0.99$1.78The two weeks surrounding KRC's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.54$0.76$0.76The two weeks surrounding KRC's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.54$1.17$1.58The two weeks surrounding KRC's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.54$0.70$1.19The two weeks surrounding KRC's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
CVB Financial logo

CVB Financial

  • 4/2/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.20 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $19.12 current price
  • 4.26% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has CVB Financial recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.20$0.23$0.23The two weeks surrounding CVBF's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.20$0.43$0.69The two weeks surrounding CVBF's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
7/11/2024$0.20$0.69$0.76The two weeks surrounding CVBF's 7/11/2024 ex-dividend
4/2/2024$0.20($0.15)$0.05The two weeks surrounding CVBF's 4/2/2024 ex-dividend
1/4/2024$0.20$0.39$0.55The two weeks surrounding CVBF's 1/4/2024 ex-dividend
10/3/2023$0.20($0.01)$0.44The two weeks surrounding CVBF's 10/3/2023 ex-dividend
7/5/2023$0.20$0.08$0.09The two weeks surrounding CVBF's 7/5/2023 ex-dividend
Nutrien logo


  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.55 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $52.58 current price
  • 4.12% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has Nutrien recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.94$1.52$2.48The two weeks surrounding NTR's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/27/2024$0.54$0.81$0.81The two weeks surrounding NTR's 9/27/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.54$0.60$0.61The two weeks surrounding NTR's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.54$1.20$2.39The two weeks surrounding NTR's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.53$0.14$0.14The two weeks surrounding NTR's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.53$1.46$1.59The two weeks surrounding NTR's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.53$0.38$1.07The two weeks surrounding NTR's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
Safehold logo


  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.18 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $18.38 current price
  • 3.82% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has Safehold recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/30/2024$0.18$0.20$0.20The two weeks surrounding SAFE's 12/30/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.18$0.21$0.21The two weeks surrounding SAFE's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.18$0.38$0.48The two weeks surrounding SAFE's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.18$0.56$1.12The two weeks surrounding SAFE's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.18$0.68$0.68The two weeks surrounding SAFE's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.18$0.38$0.61The two weeks surrounding SAFE's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.18$0.42$1.28The two weeks surrounding SAFE's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
Acadia Realty Trust logo

Acadia Realty Trust

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.20 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $21.48 current price
  • 3.57% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of moderate buy

How has Acadia Realty Trust recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.19$0.45$0.45The two weeks surrounding AKR's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.19$0.59$0.59The two weeks surrounding AKR's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.18$0.45$0.45The two weeks surrounding AKR's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.18$0.77$1.08The two weeks surrounding AKR's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.18$0.19$0.19The two weeks surrounding AKR's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.18$0.30$0.42The two weeks surrounding AKR's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.18$0.43$0.59The two weeks surrounding AKR's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
First Bancorp logo

First Bancorp

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.22 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $41.51 current price
  • 2.18% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of moderate buy

How has First Bancorp recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.22$0.52$2.15The two weeks surrounding FBNC's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.22$0.89$0.89The two weeks surrounding FBNC's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.22$1.16$1.16The two weeks surrounding FBNC's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.22$1.40$1.97The two weeks surrounding FBNC's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.22$0.10$0.10The two weeks surrounding FBNC's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.22$1.24$1.24The two weeks surrounding FBNC's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.22$0.71$0.81The two weeks surrounding FBNC's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
Steel Dynamics logo

Steel Dynamics

  • 3/31/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.50 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $126.66 current price
  • 1.43% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of moderate buy

How has Steel Dynamics recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.46$1.73$2.52The two weeks surrounding STLD's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.46$1.20$5.15The two weeks surrounding STLD's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.46$6.01$6.01The two weeks surrounding STLD's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.46$2.77$4.37The two weeks surrounding STLD's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.43$0.19$0.19The two weeks surrounding STLD's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.43$1.20$1.66The two weeks surrounding STLD's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.43$2.95$3.27The two weeks surrounding STLD's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend
Humana logo


  • 3/28/2025 upcoming ex-dividend date
  • $0.89 dividend per share
  • quarterly dividend frequency
  • $271.65 current price
  • 1.33% dividend yield
  • Consensus rating of hold

How has Humana recovered from going ex-dividend in the past?

Ex-Dividend DateDividend Per ShareHistorical Max Profit On Ex-DateHistorical Max Profit Within 2 Days of Ex-DateRecovery Chart
12/31/2024$0.89$5.20$5.71The two weeks surrounding HUM's 12/31/2024 ex-dividend
9/30/2024$0.89$5.70$5.70The two weeks surrounding HUM's 9/30/2024 ex-dividend
6/28/2024$0.89$26.48$26.48The two weeks surrounding HUM's 6/28/2024 ex-dividend
3/27/2024$0.89$3.58$3.58The two weeks surrounding HUM's 3/27/2024 ex-dividend
12/28/2023$0.89$8.67$8.67The two weeks surrounding HUM's 12/28/2023 ex-dividend
9/28/2023$0.89$9.14$9.14The two weeks surrounding HUM's 9/28/2023 ex-dividend
6/29/2023$0.89$2.35$5.21The two weeks surrounding HUM's 6/29/2023 ex-dividend

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